Obstetric Marketing
Yes, even obstetricians need to grow their practices, as finding pregnant women to patronize your clinic can be a difficult and expensive endeavor. Where previously marketing efforts had been limited to grass-roots efforts that simply touted, the clinic’s location and services, Canyon View Women’s Care contracted with Serfwerks to evolve its marketing sophistication and help the clinic present itself as the most desirable option in the area to have a baby.

The Product Life Cycle Applied to Obstetric Marketing
Understand Your Audience
Serfwerks began by researching the preferences and perceptions of women regarding their patronage of an obstetrician. The study found that approximately 80% of patients found their obstetrician based on a recommendation from a trusted friend of family member. Although the most effective at driving behavior, word-of-mouth is also the most difficult marketing vehicle to affect.
The study also found that 60% of the patients surveyed had switched obstetricians at least once. The most frequently cited reason for switching was a negative interaction with the obstetrician.

Findings from Patient Study Revealing Method of Selecting Obstetrician
Redefine the Category
When you compete in a very mature and established industry, you must find ways of differentiating yourself by re-inventing the category (see the Product Life Cycle image above). Where so many patients get treated as though they were just another number, Serfwerks’ strategy was based on creating an exceptional experience for the expectant mother. Juxtaposed to the way so many doctors treat their patients, Canyon View Women’s Care would deliver an exceptional experience by showing proper appreciation and respect for their role in one of the most important events in the life of a mother. They would also go the extra mile to celebrate the baby’s life in a way that would allow the mother to share her experience at Canyon View Women’s Care on her terms. That included a Canyon View-branded gender reveal card, complimentary photographs of the newborn baby, a photo time lapse showing the bump and more. These items provide unmatched opportunities for the patient to introduce Canyon View Women’s care to friends and family without awkward conversations or shameless sales pitches.

Scratch-off Gender Reveal Card Given to Patients to Share with Family & Friends
A Significant Difference
Preliminary reports indicate that the expectant mothers were delighted by not only the newfound approach of the medical personnel, but the photographs and the gender reveal cards were a huge hit.

Notecard Obstetricians Use to Write a Note to Patient After Preliminary Visit